
本当の問題は、あなたは危険に直面する準備ができていますか? 百万の太陽の怒り? あなたの種族の終わり? あなたはこの地獄を耐える準備ができていますか? 避けられない運命の痛みに 直面するために? あなたがここで体験するのはそれだからです。 私たちはみんなこの惑星に置かれ、クソを強制され、拭くために生まれ、そしてあなたは死ぬ。 いくつかは他の人よりも早く通過します; しかし、このサイトでは、今すぐそれを行うことができます。


Position: Spokesperson
Nationality: Snapian
Languages: English
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Purple, probably
Height: 5’0
Build: Legitimate businessman
Features: Sunglasses
Ethnicity: TV screen
About Dr. Apartment
When the SNAP has something to show and tell, the Apartment Hour is the way to sell. Join Dr. Apartment as he unravels the gist of the SNAP’s sayings, whether it be an update or a disgruntled rant.
He appeared somewhat later in the Snapian network when Dr. Snap’s words became too powerful for mere mortals to read. He was hired on the basis that he would “make [SNAP’s] words a little more palatable than an essay featuring paragraph-after-paragraph of ranting”.
Not much is known about Dr. Apartment’s personality, as his on-screen appearances only feature him reading scripts created by SNAP.
Dr. Apartment’s first appearance was in the “L4D2’s matchmaking is a DISASTER” video.
Dr. Apartment is cool. This was confirmed by ancient Snaptronaut theorists as he appears to wear sunglasses indoors despite having no vision problems.
Contrary to popular belief, he is in no way shape or form associated with Mr. House from New Vegas or that one New Vegas YouTuber who also happens to have a purple Mr. House picture. No sir, this one is 100% unique.
He seems to have a slight speech impediment.
He happens to be a big fan of the musician Linkin Park.