
本当の問題は、あなたは危険に直面する準備ができていますか? 百万の太陽の怒り? あなたの種族の終わり? あなたはこの地獄を耐える準備ができていますか? 避けられない運命の痛みに 直面するために? あなたがここで体験するのはそれだからです。 私たちはみんなこの惑星に置かれ、クソを強制され、拭くために生まれ、そしてあなたは死ぬ。 いくつかは他の人よりも早く通過します; しかし、このサイトでは、今すぐそれを行うことができます。


Position: Lowlife
Nationality: Perhaps
Languages: Any
Hair Color: N/A
Eye Color: N/A
Height: Short
Build: Weakling
Features: your mom
Ethnicity: The superior one
About wrong-losers
Wrong-losers are mentioned in the SNAP’s Left 4 Dead 2 bible. Ancient Snaptronaut theorists believe wrong-losers to be another term for “wrongdoers”. It is generally attributed to those who engage in wrongful behavior.
In the L4D2 bible
Before we continue further with appeasing thinking objects in the Source world, we must understand the “wrong-loser” philosophy. Wrong-losers infect our day-to-day lives. They manifest wrong-loser spells that enter our brains and turn our consciousness into mush.
To spot a wrong-loser, it is simple. Look at their reactions. If they refuse to look at you when you heal them, then you can conclude the chances of their brain following is very low and they are a wrong-loser. If their eyes are too still and movement is too sporadic, or their eyes are sporadic but their movement is still, this is definitely a wrong-loser. There is a very high chance they are trying to cheat, or lie to you.
If you’re still having trouble, wrong-losers will manifest themselves in your dreams (as we talked about in an earlier section: “what is REAL”). Now you might be asking, “how can one resort to dreaming mid-game?” And my answer is, we’re always dreaming. We’re always putting dots together.
Have you ever wanted to use a particular word for a situation, but you can’t think of one? So, you switch your conscious focus towards something else, and suddenly that word comes to you a few minutes later with ease.
Wait long enough, and trust your “third eye”, and hopefully the truth of the wrong-loser will manifest to you before he manifests himself.
So how do you counter the wrong-losers? You close the doors on them. Later in this guide, when I teach you how to stay in front of the team without getting gunned down, the opportunity to slam the door shut on a wrong loser will be with you, always. Nothing is more satisfying than shutting a door on a wrong loser while he’s getting chased by a tank, or a witch.