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Kolekcja najwspanialszych treści we wszechświecie!
"Chcesz wiedzieć, kim jestem? Urocze. Ja też chcę wiedzieć, kim jestem. Prawdę mówiąc, chcę wiedzieć, kim jesteśmy wszyscy. Kto na świecie zna prawdę o tym, dlaczego wszyscy tu jesteśmy? Ale to nie jest ani tu, ani tam.
Prawdziwe pytanie brzmi: czy jesteś gotowy stawić czoła niebezpieczeństwu? Gniew miliona słońc? Koniec własnego gatunku? Czy jesteś gotowy znieść to piekło? Stawić czoła bólowi nieuchronnej zagłady? Ponieważ tego właśnie tu doświadczysz. Wszyscy zostaliśmy umieszczeni na tej planecie, zmuszeni do robienia kupy, urodzeni do wycierania, a potem umieramy. Niektórzy umrą wcześniej niż inni, ale na tej stronie możesz to zrobić już teraz.
Jestem Dr Snap, czarodziej. Jestem tutaj, aby dostarczyć ci największy dar ze wszystkich: Ból".

Dr Snap zawsze pracuje "ciężko", aby przynieść Ci najlepsze z najlepszych. Wróćcie wkrótce, aby zobaczyć, jakie inne smakołyki ugotowaliśmy w kotle!

About PD2: Mayhem: Aegis
Mayhem: Aegis is (was?) a mod created for the game Payday 2. It is intended to modify enemy spawns and behavior.
The mod has a long history - it initially started out as a pseudo-randomizer for enemy spawns, but steadily grew over time. Snap attributes the growing project to be “one of the reasons [he] (somewhat) knows Lua coding.”
Eventually it grew into modifying more game functions, focusing on “cheapening” anti-player elements to make things ridiculously hard (such as making Cloakers go through walls, spamming shields, and having smoke grenades use extremely long durations, leading to the map being covered in smoke).
After a while, the scope changed drastically from cheap challenges to making the AI more tactically advanced, borrowing many mechanics from Hoppip’s Streamlined Heisting, and Rokk’s IreNFist. Many spawngroups were added that utilized the game’s dynamic difficulty system rather than relying on randomization.
An inferior, alternate version of Mayhem: Aegis was released publicly on modworkshop, called “Snap’s Spawngroups”. It was described as having a rough release with many crashes, and was lost in the website’s archive. Ultimately, it was removed after not being updated.
Near the end of its life, the now outdated Mayhem: Aegis received many customization options before being left in the dust. An offhanded version called Mayhem: Aegis Lite was released, described as being a slightly bulkier version of Snap’s Spawngroups. It was made to be compatible with another AI enhancing mod called “Little Intelligence EnhancementS” that was released on ModWorkshop at the same time.
The creation of Mayhem: Aegis is what made Snap very outspoken about Overkill Software’s negligence of the game.