If you search for a good pair of headphones at a reasonable price, you will quickly see many boasting about how great and almighty Beyerdynamic headphones are.
I’ve been a long-time user of their headphones myself, owning both a DT770 (the one everyone loves) and a DT700 Pro X. While both are great headphones in terms of sound, they both suffer from an ancient flaw: cheap plastic holding the fundamental structure together.
They’ll give you the impression that they are tanky headphones that can take a beating, but give it a year or two. Enough normal use and these things will snap and wack you in the face.
Now I see why they are priced so reasonably.
I suppose I should thank Beyerdynamic for specifically designing these headphones so that they wack their customers in the face for falling for such malarkey. A search on the internet makes it clear that such problems plague many of their headphones. There’s even Ebay sellers making 3D printed clamps. There’s literally a market for the terrible design of these headphones.
One would think Beyerdynamic has fixed this widespread issue by now, but nope. If you buy a DT770 today (or any of their headphones), chances are you’re going to get something with crappy plastic slider clamps or a crappy plastic headband that holds the thing together and breaks apart after a year of normal use. But hey, at least they sell replacement parts (of the same material!). Isn’t planned obsolescence wonderful?