Many years ago, making optimized and compatible software was top priority.
Unfortunately, advancing PC technology meant more excuse for lazy developers to just fill their code with bloat & garbage without thought. Every developer nowadays expects you to have a $2000+ PC than can handle anything they tape together.
Optimization is a lost art.
In fact, as I was writing this post, Payday 3 recently released a gameplay reveal trailer. Yeah, the trailer is cute and all, but the PC specs are a completely different story.

What the hell? Yes, there is a typo... but 16 GB of RAM is indeed what they are asking for.
With 16 GB of RAM, this game better be hosting deep learning neural network AI on my local PC. And the graphics aren't exactly something to write home about. What in the hell are they doing? How can a game like Left 4 Dead 2 do more, graphic and gameplay wise, with far less?
I looked at the (Allah forgive me for uttering the following word) reddit comments on these specs, and they claimed that this is the norm for mid-range games. How in the name of SNAP did we let this happen?
I've seen it everywhere. Even Valve managed to clusterfuck their client UI into something more ludicrous and bloated. Thanks to this update, having the Steam browser open takes up almost a gigabyte of RAM (or more). For what‽
Cities Skylines 2 - We paid for the whole runway, we use the whole runway
Imagine paying thousands of dollars on a PC just to finally catch up with the trend of shitty optimiz- I mean, uh... modern video game technology...
Only to boot up a game and STILL struggle to reach 30fps.
Now get this: turns out, the 30fps is intentional.
In a Reddit AMA, Colossal Order chief technical officer “damsku” said there’s “arguably no real benefit in a city builder to aim for higher fps”. What matters more with city builders, damsku said, is to avoid stutters and have a responsive user interface.
If this were said by an employee at EA, this would absolutely be the new "pride and accomplishment" gaff.
I'm not sure what kind of harmful substances this "damsku" and his team have digested, but not many people seem to be turning their eyes to it.
Gamers gave a lot of shit about FPS some years ago, but I guess we've grown so accustomed to piss-poor performance from AAA titles that even the bare minimum of 30fps, even when it is deliberate, now gets a pass.
Starfield - Just upgrade your PC, 4head

Star Wars: Battlefront - 10 Times the Detail
The Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection faced backlash due to its 72.58GB file size, which is over 10 times the size of the original games combined.