“Ironic how an ‘iceberg’ video only scratches the surface.”
Recently I watched a video by a YouTuber named “Snook”, called “The Christianity Iceberg Explained”.
Now, I'm usually a big fan of this "down the rabbit hole" type of stuff that gets more and more demented as the content progresses. Things ranging from esoteric knowledge, weird internet tales, and ancient history tickle my fancy. There are some incredibly well-made ones out there that have left long lasting impressions on me; one that immediately comes to mind is this Down the Rabbit Hole episode on Terry Davis (yes, I know, it’s not an iceberg video, but you get the idea).
And then there’s the capitalist dross. The kind of iceberg/rabbit hole videos that were only made because the creator needed to make a quick buck. These kinds of iceberg videos are a slow burn. There's a great amount of disappointment that comes when getting halfway through an iceberg video and realizing the creator is… well… full of shit, to put it plainly.
That was the case for Snook, and it is what inspired this piece. It seems like ChatGPT did all the scriptwriting for his video that I linked above. Much of what is narrated is nothing anybody with a soul would write in a script. Below are what I feel are some giveaways, because once you see it here, you see it everywhere.
First off, there’s the repetition of some phrases.
…its depiction of the watchers provide insights into different ancient Jewish and early Christian apocalyptic literature…
…contributing to a broader understanding of ancient Jewish and Christian apocalyptic literature…
Repetition of “diversity”. Because we all know ChatGPT loves a corporate positivity word.
…Christian Traditions hold diverse views on judas's Destiny.
Their representation extends beyond just Christianity, appearing in diverse other cultural and artistic contexts…
These narratives contribute to diverse traditions and interpretations surrounding Cain's fate…
…reflects diverse early Christian Traditions surrounding Judas's demise.
…the Trinity is a complex mystery central to Christian theology emphasizing unity in diversity…
Here’s another one that’s used quite frequently: “underscores”.
This event affirms Jesus's Divinity, prefigures his glorification and underscores this very important part showing that he fulfilled the prophet.
…the throne is portrayed in celestial splendor. The imagery underscores reverence for the almighty in the Heavenly realm…
This powerful and transformative depiction underscores the role of the son of man in the final judgment…
The moment underscores themes of things such as love compassion and communal responsibility…
This visionary encounter underscores Paul's profound spiritual revelations…
Corporate analysis, summary, and assumption of ideas.
The Witch of Endor remains a complex and debated character in the Bible, offering different insights into ancient views on necromancy and the supernatural.
You can counter-argue that there's a chance he does speak like this, but let's be honest, with that tone of voice? Very unlikely. The articulation is so artificial, corporate, and bland. It makes me want to yank my hair out as he keeps talking.
Half the time, the narrator barely has a clue about the pronunciation of certain words or what he’s even talking about. In some parts of the video, you can hear the tone of his voice change from confident ChatGPT script reader, to tentative goober who knows little and cares none about the subject he’s focusing on.
But it isn’t just the mind-numbing reading of an AI-generated script either. It’s how shallow the iceberg goes. Christianity goes much deeper than many realize. A worldwide religion that has lasted +2,000 years and still going strong cannot be summed up in a mere 36 minutes… but silly me thinking a content creator for profit will undergo such a task. Ironic how an iceberg video only scratches the surface. Guess that's all his "give me ideas on an Iceberg video about Christianity" prompt could give him in return.
Snook’s video is ultimately YouTube content creator slop. Subscription begging and ads take up the first three minutes. There’s no further research or commentary beyond the initial summary. The information is boring, barely expanded upon, and/or already widely known. Basically Wikipedia/ChatGPT summaries, but narrated instead of read.
I would like to point out that it isn’t just him. While I do want to extend an apology for going nuclear against him in particular – I am aware this is how the game of capitalism must be played – I still have a distaste for fast food, even when I must turn to it to avoid starvation.