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Коллекция самого большого контента во всем космосе.
"Хочешь знать, кто я? Хе, это мило. Я тоже хочу знать, кто я. На самом деле, я хочу знать, кто мы все. Кто в мире знает правду о том, почему мы все здесь? Но это ни туда ни сюда.
Настоящий вопрос в том, готовы ли вы столкнуться с опасностью? С гневом миллиона солнц? С концом вашего собственного рода? Готовы ли вы вынести этот ад? Столкнуться с болью вашей неизбежной гибели? Потому что именно это вы собираетесь испытать здесь. Мы все поставлены на эту планету, вынуждены дерьмо, рождены, чтобы вытирать, а затем вы умираете. Некоторые уйдут раньше других; но на этом сайте вы можете сделать это прямо сейчас.
Я доктор Снэп, волшебник. Я здесь, чтобы подарить вам самый большой подарок из всех: боль."

Доктор Снэп всегда “усердно” работает, чтобы принести вам лучшее из лучших. Возвращайтесь скоро, чтобы увидеть, какие еще вкусности мы приготовили в котле!

Position: Translator, writer
Nationality: Snapian
Languages: English
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Black
Height: 6’1
Build: THICK
Features: Lowly wizard hoodie for lowly wizardry shenanigans
Ethnicity: Blizzard Wizard
About Master Gino
Master Gino is a translator and writer for SNAP. He specializes in the later/modern translations. Much of his assistance can be found in SNAP’s L4D2 Bible: The Ultimate Left 4 Dead 2 Guide.
Like Alc, Gino was part of the original Snap alliance, though his work did not appear publicly until the publication of the L4D2 ultimate guide.
Gino was part of the founding trio for the Snapian Network. After drinking Cornelius' intelligence enhancing urinal serum, he escaped with Snap and Alc to form a business together.
It seems he has always had the unofficial position within the team as “The One Who Knows How The Network Operates The Best”.
He is known for his ability to effectively communicate with SNAP (alongside Giorgio and the Sling King), and offers translations for what he calls the lesser-eared, after Snap reinforced his own voice after Alc described it as “an aqueduct filled with hookers on drugs”.
Master Gino is described as being apprehensive and jumpy. He has some bad habits, which include constantly taking out his pocket watch and hoping it’s 7:22. He is prone to wearing a hoodie regardless of weather conditions, and has occasionally passed out from heat exhaustion.
He does not typically involve himself in the affairs of others and prefers just getting work done until the darkness arrives, so that he may (in his own words) “go on about other things that are not interesting.”
“I will tell you this, and it is the SNAP honest truth, fewer things in the world are more REAL than the world when the hands strike hour 7 and minute 22.”
"I have my medications, I have my phone, I have my gun, and I have my pen. Everything else in the world could burn to the sky, and I wouldn't even notice. No sir."
"Life is not a road, and you should not attempt the feat of turning it into a path.