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About Ultrawizards

Ultrawizards were a godlike faction of wizards that existed in the early days of the universe. They are believed to be the original creators and governors of the cosmos. Ancient Snaptronaut theorists believe that, following a coincidental series of unfortunate events, coined by Dr. Snap as “Snapmania”, many if not all of the ultrawizards went extinct, and the powers were naturally divided amongst the lesser wizards that followed.


Known Ultrawizards

Not much history has been recorded regarding the ultrawizards. The only clear narrative ancient Snaptronaut theorists have is the feud between Ultrawizards Jesse, Cornelius, and Santa.

  • Ultrawizard Cornelius

    • Following a heated competition between his company and the Snap alliance, Cornelius was eventually destroyed by unknown causes.

  • Ultrawizard Jesse

    • Jailed by the IRS after Cornelius ratted him out. Ancient Snaptronaut theorists believed he died in his cell by unknown causes.

  • Ultrawizard Santa

    • Fled to the South pole. Status unknown.

  • Ultrawizard Bitcheskillch

    • Destroyed in a magic storm.

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