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Eine Mischmasch aus dem besten Inhalt im gesamten Kosmos.
"Du willst wissen, wer ich bin? Heh, das ist süß. Ich möchte auch wissen, wer ich bin. Tatsächlich möchte ich wissen, wer wir alle sind. Wer auf der Welt kennt die Wahrheit, warum wir alle hier sind? Aber das ist weder hier noch dort.
Die eigentliche Frage ist, bist du bereit, der Gefahr zu begegnen? Der Zorn von einer Million Sonnen? Das Ende deiner eigenen Art? Bist du bereit, diese Hölle zu ertragen? Dem Schmerz deines unvermeidlichen Untergangs ins Gesicht zu sehen? Denn das ist es, was du hier erleben wirst. Wir alle werden auf diesen Planeten gesetzt, gezwungen zu scheißen, geboren zum Abwischen, und dann stirbst du. Einige werden früher als andere gehen; aber auf dieser Seite kannst du das jetzt tun.
Ich bin Dr. Snap, der Zauberer. Ich bin hier, um dir das größte aller Geschenke zu überbringen: Der Schmerz."

Dr. Snap arbeitet immer “hart”, um Ihnen das Beste vom Besten zu bringen. Kommen Sie bald wieder, um zu sehen, welche anderen Leckereien wir im Kessel gekocht haben!

About the IRS

The IRS is deadly. DEADLY. The most deadliest organization to ever exist, as a matter of fact. They put an end to Ultrawizard Jesse’s reign of terror. They lived to hunt down Cyrus Medlock despite there being a ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE. They caused Dr. Snap to walk the Earth for thousands of years.
Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating a little bit, but you get the point. The IRS is a scary organization. Now, I’ve seen some pretty awesome demonstrations by the IRS, and many of them really made me think, “These guys are cool.” Then, I thought, “These guys are too cool.” Then it dawned on me that they were UNSTOPPABLE.
Now, the IRS, and the secret society of which it is a part of, is responsible for a lot of bad things. Like, who’s going to protect you from the IRS? Not even the Supreme Court. It’s no joke, man.
This isn't a wiki entry to describe what the IRS is. This is a warning. You already know who they are, and if you don’t, you don’t want to know. All you need to know is: they are deadly.
They are the agency in charge of ensuring that people pay their taxes. They are also the agency that has the power to force you to answer questions, and to detain you, or even to lock you up in a dark room for a few years until you give them the answers they want. They also have the power to make your life a living hell if you don’t give them the answers they want.
"Maybe you don't report every single penny. I mean... who does, right? And who's listening? That's right. They know every lick and tittle. So you're living your life free and easy, and then one day... at the time of their choosing... BAM! They bring the hammer down to Chinatown. I'm telling you, these guys don't fool around. And they will clean your bones faster than a school of piranhas."
"Look, man. You gotta understand that the IRS is a ruthless organization. They are a secret society. They have all of the power. They can force you to answer any question they want, and they can detain you for any amount of time they want. If they want to get rid of you for good, they can do that. They can ruin you. And it's not like they do it just to make your life a living hell. It's for the greater good. It's to protect the country.”
The IRS will hire 800,000 new people to help the IRS enforce the taxes they steal from the working people of the country THIS YEAR.
The IRS will be conducting 10 times the number of audits THIS YEAR.
The IRS will be auditing the income of 10-15 million Americans 10-15 times THIS YEAR.
The IRS will be auditing major corporations up to 100,000,000 times THIS YEAR.
The IRS will be auditing smaller businesses and self-employed individuals 100,000 times THIS YEAR.
The IRS will be releasing new stealth technologies to aid in stopping tax evaders THIS YEAR.
The IRS will have over 2 million+ armed troops on US streets by the end of THIS YEAR.
The IRS will be conducting raids of the homes of Americans without search warrants THIS YEAR.

Poor people will be SCREWED!
EVEN THE RICH will be RULED by the IRS!!!
Farmers' Almanac projects over 670,000+ deaths from FILING TAXES!!!
United Nations projects 0% TAX RETURNS!!!
It will be a SHITSHOW!!!