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Eine Mischmasch aus dem besten Inhalt im gesamten Kosmos.
"Du willst wissen, wer ich bin? Heh, das ist süß. Ich möchte auch wissen, wer ich bin. Tatsächlich möchte ich wissen, wer wir alle sind. Wer auf der Welt kennt die Wahrheit, warum wir alle hier sind? Aber das ist weder hier noch dort.
Die eigentliche Frage ist, bist du bereit, der Gefahr zu begegnen? Der Zorn von einer Million Sonnen? Das Ende deiner eigenen Art? Bist du bereit, diese Hölle zu ertragen? Dem Schmerz deines unvermeidlichen Untergangs ins Gesicht zu sehen? Denn das ist es, was du hier erleben wirst. Wir alle werden auf diesen Planeten gesetzt, gezwungen zu scheißen, geboren zum Abwischen, und dann stirbst du. Einige werden früher als andere gehen; aber auf dieser Seite kannst du das jetzt tun.
Ich bin Dr. Snap, der Zauberer. Ich bin hier, um dir das größte aller Geschenke zu überbringen: Der Schmerz."

Dr. Snap arbeitet immer “hart”, um Ihnen das Beste vom Besten zu bringen. Kommen Sie bald wieder, um zu sehen, welche anderen Leckereien wir im Kessel gekocht haben!

Position: Gamer
Nationality: Snapian
Languages: Gamer
Hair Color: WTF
Eye Color: Disturbing
Height: High enough
Build: Gamer
Features: Very good headphones
Ethnicity: Gamer Wizard
About yesskillch
yesskillch is a gaming wizard. Some ancient Snaptronaut theorists believe he is at the same power level as SNAP, though this is widely debated. yesskillch is associated with the Snapian network in that he creates content pertaining to video games, typically epic moments from his gaming career.
A long time ago, yesskillch was born in Ultrawizard bitchesskillch’s clan. yesskillch was in love with video games, and was an epic gamer. His team was the best in the cosmos, and he in particular was next in line in becoming an ultrawizard.
One day, a magic storm hit, and many of the gamer wizards (including bitchesskillch) were destroyed. The only thing left of the clan were very few. In the aftermath, the team disbanded, and yesskillch was left with a broken heart. He started playing the same video games over and over, refusing to play any new releases.
Being orphaned in the galaxies, his epic gamer skills were recognized by Snapian Network, and was shortly thereafter hired to help make great content.
yesskillch is reserved and generous, but some might believe he’s a trickster. He’s very much a team player and wants the best for and out of his team - he does not appreciate lollygagging around. He’s also a very technical gamer, and finds himself unnecessarily angry over small inconveniences.
“I have no friends.”
He has been accused of using an ability to trick Snaptronauts into sending him free games.