
本当の問題は、あなたは危険に直面する準備ができていますか? 百万の太陽の怒り? あなたの種族の終わり? あなたはこの地獄を耐える準備ができていますか? 避けられない運命の痛みに 直面するために? あなたがここで体験するのはそれだからです。 私たちはみんなこの惑星に置かれ、クソを強制され、拭くために生まれ、そしてあなたは死ぬ。 いくつかは他の人よりも早く通過します; しかし、このサイトでは、今すぐそれを行うことができます。


About Sling Wizards
The Sling Wizards were initial rivals of the Ultrawizards during ancient times. Eventually they settled their differences and banded together. Ancient Snaptronaut Theorists believe Sling Wizards to be a failed attempt at an earlier Snapmania event.
The Sling Wizards were pretty much the exact same as Ultrawizards, with the only minor difference being the fact that their wizard hats were shaped like a pair of scissors. The cause for the split between the Sling Wizards and the Ultrawizards remains unknown.
Known Sling Wizards
Master Giorgio and the Sling King (one person) is the only known Swing Wizard, according to ancient Snaptronaut theorists.
It is believed they were called "Sling Wizards" because of their ability to sling objects at a very high velocity.