
本当の問題は、あなたは危険に直面する準備ができていますか? 百万の太陽の怒り? あなたの種族の終わり? あなたはこの地獄を耐える準備ができていますか? 避けられない運命の痛みに 直面するために? あなたがここで体験するのはそれだからです。 私たちはみんなこの惑星に置かれ、クソを強制され、拭くために生まれ、そしてあなたは死ぬ。 いくつかは他の人よりも早く通過します; しかし、このサイトでは、今すぐそれを行うことができます。


Position: Translator, writer
Nationality: Snapian
Languages: English
Hair Color: Gray
Eye Color: Prefers not to say
Height: Highness
Build: Like royalty
Features: Wears actual gold
Ethnicity: Wizard
About Master Giorgio and the Sling King
Master Giorgio and the Sling King (it is only one person) is a writer and translator for SNAP. He specializes in uncommon translations. Much of his assistance can be found in SNAP’s L4D2 Bible: The Ultimate Left 4 Dead 2 Guide.
Master Giorgio came much later into the Snap Network after being introduced to the clan by Master Gino. Giorgio would later serve as a replacement after Alc, The Cracker stepped down. Giorgio is a defector from the Sling Wizard Clan and joined the Snapian Network after realizing its superiority.
He has a strong feeling for religious matters and has a very broad interest in other things, including the supernatural and esoteric. He has a high tolerance for language, and has been known to engage in lengthy discussions in many different languages, typically losing the interest of the person he’s talking to. He is also known for his slightly unusual sense of humor, which tends to be very dark, especially when he is in a rather serious mood.
"I have a lot of respect for the Sling Wizards, but they are quite the opposite of what I am looking for."