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  • Position: Gamer (former)

  • Nationality: Gamer

  • Languages: Gamer

  • Hair Color: Blonde

  • Eye Color: Aimbot

  • Height: Step on me mommy

  • Build: Gamer

  • Features: Wears fancy dresses while gaming

  • Ethnicity: Wizard

About bitchesskillch

bitchesskillch was a gaming Ultrawizard, and a coach for yesskillch, as well as many other gamer wizards.



She first emerged as a competitive player in Super Mario Bros. 3 on the NES, where she would “kick all the goomba’s asses”, later moving on to dominate other competitive scenes such as Street Fighter II Turbo on the SNES and Mortal Kombat on the PS1.
She was known for her prowess in beating Street Fighter II Turbo’s Guy Kawasaki, which was considered one of the hardest characters to defeat. Her victory over this character was featured on the front page of GameSpot and in an article by the Wall Street Journal. She became a staple in the community for many years. She would later go on to coach other professional players, such as yesskillch, before being killed in a magic storm. yesskilch continues her legacy.

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